Apparently, I buy too many records

My wife Helen, like every other woman i've ever lived with, believes that I buy too many records.

Which, as every record-buying man knows, is a ridiculous belief.

I will concede, however, that I do indeed buy a lot of records and that I don't afford them the same amount of listens and attention that I did 20 or 30 years ago.

To this end, I have decided to blog about the records that I buy, in order to help my appreciation of them - and perhaps to show Helen that I don't buy that many records after all.

Because i'm crap with deadlines the blog posts will be sporadic and probably be about a month or 2 behind but that's just the way i am! The posts will not necessarily be actual reviews (most likely comments, at best) and will generally be pretty damn short due to the reasons outlined above. As a writer in a previous existence i have decided not to worry about writing as art in the pieces but, instead, to attempt to convey feeling over semantic (and often grammatic) perfection.

And 'OCRB'? It stands for 'Obsessive Compulsive Record Buying' - a little known mental health affliction that is potentially damaging to the bank account but ultimately life-affirming. It is sad.......but a nice form of sad.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Freedom, Rhythm & Sound Vols 1 & 2 (Soul Jazz)

Massive 4LP collection spread over 2 volumes, bought for the bargain price of £7.99 each from Rise in Bristol. If i needed anything to reaffirm my love of jazz  then this would do it. The lineup is amazing - Sun Ra, Archie Shepp, Art Ensemble, Joe Henderson, Edward Larry Gordon, Errol Parker etc etc etc. I tend to listen to a lot of free/experimental jazz but this stuff is far more funky and far more enjoyable as opposed to the cerebral qualities of my normal stuff. Hell, it's goddamn funky at times and had me shimmying all over the music room in a completely uncoordinated fashion - all this and being heavily political as well. Who could ask for more? It's like if Crass had been black, funky, instrumentally competent and cool then this would be what they would've sounded like. Perfect music to bring back the old white liberal guilt.

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